Chthonic (here the meaning) is a Opera still in the working stage of which some extract have already been performed live, such as the act dedicated to Persephone's awakening in Hades, titled "S-Hades of Persephone" and it will be one of the researches of my coming years. 
Below is the direction where you can read the plot, the instruments involved. Some peculiarities can be noted: the musicians are on stage and have names like characters. The use of the Kantele and Launeddas (folk instruments from Finland and Sardinia) harks back to the ancient Greek sounds of the lyre and aulos.

Direction taken from the last perfomance performed on December 14, 2022 (Cagliari Conservatory Auditorium)


PERSEPHONE Michela Saba, voice
HADES Kasparas Stricka, pipe organ
HECATE Elli Mcloud, voce
LAMIAS: HISSING MIST Jonna Sinikumpu, voice MOON SORROW Emilia Haataja, voice
 Federica Lecca, launeddas, MUINAINEN PUHE Tiina Ahola, kantele
RITUAL OF BREATH Eleonora Steri, accordion
NOCTURNAL PULSE Federica Jose Are, doublebass
WIND CHANT Emanuele Marongiu, trumpet
FORBIDDEN LIGHT Veronica Eva Oppes, electronics

curtain closed, no light

Ancient speech – Fueddu Antigu (launeddas) appears from the darkness in the 

“Hades has now taken Persephone to his realm, but she has fainted 
from fright and terror. And from his throne, waiting for her to awaken, sure to receive a 
rejection, he sounds his sorrow. Welcome to Hades.”

The organ starts playing the Ouverture piece Iron Tears, 
followed by live electronics, launeddas and double bass. 

During the piece, at a specified point, the curtains begin to open. Hades appears from 
behind, seated in his throne (the organ) and Persephone is unconscious on the organ case. A
weak light shines on these two characters.

Characters who are on stage, in the dark:
Ancient speech (Launeddas, Kantele), Ritual of breath (Accordion), Nocturnal pulse (Double Bass)

Persephone begins to recover consciousness, her breathing is heard (in live electronics), she
looks at Hades playing, tries to touch him (but does not) in an attempt to visually 
distinguish his image. Hades sees her hand almost touching him, looks at her (only the bass 
of the organ remains, free his hands). She begins to see Hades clearly, she recedes but 
remains weakly lying in the same spot. Hades stops his playing, returns the gesture of 
seeking her hand, she withdraws again. Hades is sorry, turns in the throne (turns towards the
audience), leaves the scene and gives Persephone a moment alone to recover.

Persephone now looks around, begins to descend from the organ case. 
Lights change, the scene is illuminated in depth. 
The song 'Fate of Luna' begins, Hecate and the Lamias appear: Hecate watches from the 
back of the stage, the Lamias (Moon Sorrow and Hissing Mist) turn their attention to 
Persephone, bringing themselves close to her.

Ritual of breath concludes the scene, the second act begins. 


Ritual of Breath (Accordion) accompanies the emotional state of Persephone, who in regaining 
consciousness begins to consider and introspectively face the consequences of her 
Falling into pain, her emotional state goes through five 'voices':
Fright – Terror – Anguish – Flattery - Hope

Ritual of breath (Accordion) follows Persephone's improvisational gestures and the transformation of her
breaths. It closes with a sense of flattery to be the desire for love from a God, (it can also be
interpreted as a moment of sensuality in sound and gesture) and then of hope.

The character of Hecate appears, introduced by Nocturnal Pulse (double bass), Ritual of 
breath subsides. Fueddu antigu (Launeddas) and Muinainen puhe (kantele) begin to sing as 
if to evoke the goddess of the waning moon. The lamia whisper something indefinite like a 
mantra, Hecate sings the song 'Hymn of the Night' as if professing an incantation. 
Appare il personaggio di Hecate, introdotto da Nocturnal Pulse (contrabbasso), Ritual of 
breath si placa. Fueddu antigu (Launeddas) e Muinainen puhe (kantele) iniziano a cantare 
come ad evocare la dea della luna calante. Le lamie sussurrano qualcosa di indefinito come 
un mantra, Hecate canta come professando un incantesimo il brano "Inno della Notte". 
Persephone is fascinated by the goddess, she remains listening, observing her movements. 
Hecate offers, in his words, a different point of view, persuading her to come out of a state 
of pain and showing her the benefits of being in Hades and the possibility of reigning over 
souls. The lamiae paint Persephone's body with ritual symbols. 

The electronics introduce a new sound environment, Hades returns to the stage: in his hands
he holds a pomegranate, he approaches Persephone to offer it to her as a gift. Persephone 
hesitates, in her enthusiasm for her destiny as queen of Hades dawns. 
She accepts the fruit, wears the cloak, jewels and crown that the lamias and Hecate show 
her. All acoustic sound characters interact with Forbidden Light (electronics). 
The scene closes in sudden darkness and silence. 

Demo of the song "Hymn of The Night"

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